Misty is so cute. I was downstairs doing something on the Computer, and Misty was upstairs on the bed, and all the sudden I heard her yell...."The baby's kicking me!! The Baby is Kicking me!!"
I ran upstairs to break up the fight, and she told me that she was lying on her stomach stretching out her back, and she felt this little "poke....poke" "poke...poke".
I just figure that the baby is someone who just wants room to stretch out too, and so of course it would kick her if she was squishing it. : )
Misty thought for the longest time that feeling the baby move would be "So weird!" But when I asked her if it was as strange as she thought, she said that "No...It was kinda cool."
She hasn't had a ton of other times when she thought she felt the baby move, but that one definately was one.
Define Success, if you don't mind......
7 years ago