Phil, Carson and I have never had our pictures taken together. We have no pictures with all three of us together. I decided that that needed to change. My step-sister, Angie, has recently bought a new camera and is starting to get into photography as a hobby. I asked her to take some picture of us. We are waiting for her to send us a cd with all of the pictures on it, but in the mean time, I have pirated some of the pictures she posted on her blog. Hope you don't mind, Angie!
Carson is the biggest stinker! He is such a happy baby, but once the camera comes out, he becomes so serious. It has been so hard to get a picture of him smiling, but finally we caught him off guard and got a picture of him smiling! I have no idea how we lucked out, but hopefully this won't be the last of his smiles and we'll see if we can get some giggles on video too!
So now that it is time for Thanksgiving, I have decided to post Carson's Halloween pictures. Sorry they are so late. I didn't know how to get them off the camera. Phil just taught me. Hope you enjoy.
He was Captain Adorable. His super powers are overpowering villans with his cuteness, then he drowns them with his drool. Oh and watch out for his radioactive diaper blowouts. And if a foe is especially devious, he incapacitates them with spit up.
And yes, those are little girl's tights. Hope he is not traumatized for too long.
His cape
What's that in the sky? It's a bird, it's a plane. No! It's Captain Adorable.