Thursday, April 10, 2008

Sanity is Re-instated April 10th!!

Halleluiah! Guess what is back on TV this evening on NBC?!!

Yup. That's right, the whole gang.

Misty and I have become Office junkies, I think me more than her though. I was hooked from day one, but she took some warming up on it.

One of my favorite reasons I love the show is the little jokes that Jim plays on Dwight. I could only find a few of them, I really wanted to find the Stapler one, and the Vending machine one, but alas, my searches on You Tube have been fruitless. Enjoy the ones I did find below!!


Cassie said...

I totally agree!! I am pumped! Actually I was ready for it last week, but I was sadly disappointed.

The videos you posted are great. Other classics I love is Jim popping Dwight's ab ball and Jim acting like a vampire.

Brad told me that they are going to do a spin-off of Office for next season too. I haven't heard who is going to be in it. I sure hope they don't take away from the best characters though.

Our Family said...

Oh! We too share in your excitement. It's been way to long.

PS- DON'T TAKE CARTER! I beg you...that's my name.

The Burnetts said...

That's weird.... And all this time we have been calling you Aubrey.