Carson is 7 months old today. My how the time flies!! He is such a joy in our lives. Both Phil and I thank our Heavenly Father everyday for such a wonderful little baby. We both never imagined that we would be able to love someone so completely. He is growing and changing so quickly. He rolls all over the house and sits with no problems. He really really wants to crawl, but hasn't caught on yet. He loves to walk around, although he needs some assistance to do that. Everyone that meets him says that he is the happiest baby they have ever seen. He will smile, laugh and talk to anyone. He is such a little charmer. He loves animals, especially dogs. He loves to take baths. We have transitioned him from his infant bath to the big bath and he loves it. I made the mistake of teaching him how to splash. He soaks Phil and I every night, but it's hard to be annoyed because he is so cute and happy while he is doing it.
Here are a few new pictures of out little cheezer. He has finally gotten over his fear of the camera and smiles whenever we pull it out.
Rolling over

Blues eyes

Big boy!


We forgot to take a bib to cousin Cassie's baby blessing so he had to borrow one.
Not every man can get away with this shade of purple.

Carson's hair was like this when he woke up from
his nap and it would not lay back down.

Our little Alphalpha

He usually has this toy in his mouth like
this through his whole bath.
This is what we see every morning and when he
wakes up from his naps. Aren't we lucky?
This is Carson's new trick. He can pull himself up to kneeling
with no problems. He has also pulled himself up to standing once.

Oh, he's a cutie. He looks a lot like Chase or Gavin or something inbetween.
With a Burnett Twist... : ) -Phil
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