So last week, we had a member of the Sunday School Presidency (at the close of Sunday School) actually say "The Church is True, The Book is Blue, and I love you all!" (yes. that is verbatim.) WELCOME TO HAPPY VALLEY!! This resulted in multiple comments on my facebook status when I had posted it there. I failed to mention that I had left out that during sacrament meeting that same week, we had a speech (yeah, I'll call it that, rather than a talk,) given by a guy who was talking about how everyone in the BYU Newspaper Opinion section, was debating about the new "For the strength of youth" pamphlet. He was very preachy, and I felt was a little out of place.
Well, this week, in our sacrament meeting, we had a girl talking about how "God is in the little details" and how she felt that God had prompted her to put the little socks that were blue that she had just taken off of her baby, back into the "Booty Drawer" (Sock Drawer) but she decided just not to do it then. And then this morning, she couldn't find them, and so she had to put on socks on her son that didn't match! (Heaven forbid!) and if she would have just listened, he would have had clothes that matched today. But instead, she had to get his older brother's socks which were way to big, and didn't match. (See! God is in the little details! He even coordinates baby outfits to match! That was basically the point of her talk.)
I had a little bit of a desire to dry heave while she was talking, but I refrained.
(Sorry if I seem a little insensitive about God coordinating your outfits, I think that if He definitely wanted to He could, but I really think He has better things to do than match your baby's clothes and socks together.)
Define Success, if you don't mind......
7 years ago
Yeah, I lived in HV for five years of my life. I have forgotten incidents like the ones you just described.
If it makes you feel any better, during the benediction at my college convocation, someone started quoting Earnest Hemmingway or something... IN HIS PRAYER. I opened up my eyes during the middle of it and looked around and saw many other people with their eyes opened and looking around in bewilderment.
You can see why I got the urge to leave Utah for a while. It's not that I don't like Utah, it's just that sometimes people do really weird things.
I have never lived in Happy Valley, but, being out of the state of Utah has been refreshing! So I agree with Brad on getting a way for a while. Yes, there are still weirdos here and there, but being away has taken me back to the core of what the church should be about! I do love this church...just some of the members do really freak me out! socks...what?!?!
I'm impressed that you were able to refrain from dry-heaving, you are much stronger than I. I would have probably not been able to resist laughing out loud. This is why I should never ever live in happy valley! Best of luck surviving the many more talks on baby socks and the like.
That story is hysterical. I was cracking up. Are people really like that? I found your blog the usual way - blog surfing from one site to another - and I just had to comment.
You may live in Happy Valley, but I used to live in the "Twilight Zone Ward". Each month during fast and testimony there were the usual people who didn't know the difference between a testimony and a confessional. Oh my gosh! One time this girl got up and went on and on and on and on (painfully on and on and on)about the most embarassing things. After what seemed like an eternity of wishing I could be somehow disappear she yells out, "nice try dad - I see you back there trying to get me to sit down".
Her father had gone to the back of the chapel and was motioning her to end her "testimony". Seriously, sometimes I think church on TV might be the way to go. :0)
Oh the joys of living in Happy Valley. I almost didn't make it out alive the summer I spent there. Thank goodness I had Arabic classes & homework for 14 hours a day...I didn't have a whole lot of time to absorb the local culture if you know what I mean. ;)
I am impressed that you didn't laugh out loud at the sock story because I probably would have.
Hah hah... this was hilarious! My friend from Finland is coming to BYU for the Summer semester, and the only thing she is really worried about, is how she can deal with the cheesy 'Happy Valley' mormons. I think I should make her read this... just to prepare her a little. :)
You're in a BYU ward, aren't you? You should come to our ward.
It's a family ward. Just a local Provo ward. We definitely steer clear from student wards.
I love the new pictures. You have a Great husband and a cute little baby. I hope that all is going well for you. Keep the smiles. I can't wait till the reunion. You going?
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